Crisis Checkin nearing a Beta

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I'm very excited with the progress we've made in the crisis checkin application in the last year. A gropu of volunteers, donating their own time, built the first version of the web-based crisis checkin application.

We're ready to start having disaster organizations start working with the application and give us feedback. 

This is a great milestone for us. We've built our first app, and we're putting real bits in front of the people that respond to disaster events. All of you that have spent time on the application have helped us reach this important goal. There's more that we need to do. The beta is just the first time that disaster workers will use the app. We'll get feedback and address it. We'll be ready to launch more apps.We've had a lot of support from partners, disaster experts,developers, sponsor organizations, and other volunteers. Thank you!

If you want to pitch in, please join us.

You can read more in our news section.